Gun control or mind control?
It looks like the real colors have
been hoisted in the gun control debate currently raging in Washington. It is not about background checks, it
is not about whether or not someone with a slight, severe, or suggested mental
deficiency should have the right to own a weapon, it is, simply, this
administration has a strong desire to obliterate the Bill of Rights one
amendment at a time, starting with the second.
They have plans in the works to
take out the first, and the fourth is already shredded by way of detention
without representation, and killing of citizens without benefit of even being
charged with a crime.
Who is behind all of this? Some, like the extreme left and the
anarchists like to blame the international corporations and their lobbies, and
the international banking interests and their lobbies, but I have another
thought on that matter. The hard
core left that believe more and bigger government is the answer to all questions
also have little regard for the concept of individualism, and if you read the
Bill of Rights, it has individualism written in almost every line of thought,
not a big strong federal government.
Men and women like Holder, Obama,
Pelosi, and Boxer detest the concept of an individual actually being able to be
responsible for herself of himself, not being a sheep willing to run with the
flock, or go over the cliff with their fellow lemmings. The fear in their hearts runs deep for
right now, the majority of voters in this country is probably a mix of independents
and libertarians, and to be one or the other, one must think from a critical
angle. That is how you spell
individualism. That is what
created the Bill of Rights in the first place. And that puts blazing fear in the hearts of those that can
only believe something is good when it’s done by government.
It was a strong central government
with strong controls and demands that led to the 1776 revolution in the first
place, it was strong leadership from many with individualism in their hearts
that led to our Constitution and the Bill of Rights attached to it. An individual’s rights have no place in
socialism, and right now, the federalists running the current administration
are working overtime to destroy the last remnants of the Bill or Rights, one amendment
at a time.
The power base of the current
administration comes from those that rarely think past their next government
offering. This beat up old
libertarian is of the opinion that come the 2014 elections, many of us are going
to have to demand some critical thinking from those seeking office if they want
our vote. There should be nothing
more important than individual freedoms as offered by our Constitution and Bill
of Rights, and it’s going to take a strong effort to protect what we are slowly
Has it been awhile since you’ve
read the Bill of Rights? Click on
this site and you’ll also have a chance to read the Constitution:
As always, read good books and stay
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